ABOUT encryption with DES
As mentioned earlier there are two main types of cryptography in use today - symmetric or secret key cryptography and asymmetric or public key cryptography. Symmetric key cryptography is the oldest type whereas asymmetric cryptography is only being used publicly since the late 1970’s1. Asymmetric cryptography was a major milestone in the search for a perfect encryption scheme. Secret key cryptography goes back to at least Egyptian times and is of concern here. It involves the use of only one key which is used for both encryption and decryption (hence the use of the term symmetric). Figure 2.1 depicts this idea. It is necessary for security purposes that the secret key never be revealed
Figu 2.1 |
To accomplish encryption, most secret key algorithms use two main techniques known as substitution and permutation. Substitution is simply a mapping of one value to another whereas permutation is a reordering of the bit positions for each of the inputs. These techniques are used a number of times in iterations called rounds. Generally, the more rounds there are, the more secure the algorithm. A non-linearity is also introduced into the encryption so that decryption will be computationally infeasible2 without the secret key. This is achieved with the use of S-boxes which are basically non-linear substitution tables where either the output is smaller than the input or vice versa.
One of the main problems with secret key cryptography is key distribution. For this form of cryptography to work, both parties must have a copy of the secret key. This would have to be communicated over some secure channel which, unfortunately, is not That easy to achieve. As will be seen later, puplic key cryptography provides a solution to this.
2.1 Brief history of DES
Up until recently, the main standard for encrypting data was a symmetric algorithm known as the Data Encryption Standard (DES). However, this has now been replaced by a new standard known as the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) which we will look at later. DES is a 64 bit block cipher which means that it encrypts data 64 bits at a time. This is contrasted to a stream cipher in which only one bit at a time (or sometimes small groups of bits such as a byte) is encrypted. DES was the result of a research project set up by International Business Machines (IBM) corporation in the late 1960’s which resulted in a cipher known as LUCIFER. In the early 1970’s it was decided to commercialise LUCIFER and a number of significant
changes were introduced. IBM was not the only one involved in these changes as they sought technical advice from the National Security Agency (NSA) (other outside consultants were involved but it is likely that the NSA were the major contributors from a technical point of view). The altered version of LUCIFER was put forward as a proposal for the new national encryption standard requested by the National Bureau of Standards (NBS)3. It was finally adopted in 1977 as the Data Encryption Standard - DES (FIPS PUB 46). Some of the changes made to LUCIFER have been the subject of much controversy even to the present day. The most notable of these was the key size. LUCIFER used a key size of 128 bits however this was reduced to 56 bits for DES. Even though DES actually accepts a 64 bit key as input, the remaining eight bits are used for parity checking and have no effect on DES’s security. Outsiders were convinced that the 56 bit key was an easy target for a brute force attack4 due to its extremely small size. The need for the parity checking scheme was also questioned without satisfying answers.
2.2 Inner workings of DES
DES (and most of the other major symmetric ciphers) is based on a cipher known as the Feistel block cipher. This was a block cipher developed by the IBM cryptography researcher Horst Feistel in the early 70’s. It consists of a number of rounds where each round contains bit-shuffling, non-linear substitutions (S-boxes) and exclusive OR operations. Most symmetric encryption schemes today are based on this structure (known as a feistel network). As with most encryption schemes, DES expects two inputs - the plaintext to be encrypted and the secret key. The manner in which the plaintext is accepted, and the key arrangement used for encryption and decryption, both determine the type of cipher it is. DES is therefore a symmetric, 64 bit block cipher as it uses the same key for both encryption and decryption and only operates on 64 bit blocks of data at a time5 (be they plaintext or ciphertext). The key size used is 56 bits, however a 64 bit (or eight-byte) key is actually input. The least significant bit of each byte is either used for parity (odd for DES) or set arbitrarily and does not increase the security in any way. All blocks are numbered from left to right which makes the eight bit of each byte the parity bit. Once a plain-text message is received to be encrypted, it is arranged into 64 bit blocks required for input. If the number of bits in the message is not evenly divisible by 64 then the last block will be padded. Multiple permutations and substitutions are incorporated throughout in order to increase the difficulty of performing a cryptanalysis on the cipher. However, it is generally accepted that the initial and final permutations offer little or no contribution to the security of DES and in fact some software implementations omit them (although strictly speaking these are not DES as they do not adhere to the standart).
2.2.1 Overall structure
Figure 2.2 shows the sequence of events that occur during an encryption operation. DES performs an initial permutation on the entire 64 bit block of data. It is then split into 2, 32 bit sub-blocks, Li and Ri which are then passed into what is known as a round (see figure 2.3), of which there are 16 (the subscript i in Li and Ri indicates the current round). Each of the rounds are identical and the effects of increasing their number is twofold - the algorithms security is increased and its temporal efficiency decreased. Clearly these are two conflicting outcomes and a compromise must be made. For DES the number chosen was 16, probably to guarantee the elimination of any correlation between the ciphertext and either the plaintext or key6. At the end of the 16th round, the 32 bit Li and Ri output quantities are swapped to create what is known as the pre-output. This [R16, L16] concatenation is permuted using a function which is the exact inverse of the initial permutation. The output of this final permutation is the 64 bit ciphertext.
Figure 2.2 Flow Diagram of DES algorithm for encrypting data. |
the left hand side of figure 2.2:
1. Initial permutation (IP - defined in table 2.1) rearranging the bits to form the “permuted input”.
2. Followed by 16 iterations of the same function (substitution and permutation). The output of the last iteration consists of 64 bits which is a function of the plaintext and key. The left and right halves are swapped to produce the preoutput.
3. Finally, the preoutput is passed through a permutation (IP−1 - defined in table 2.1) which is simply the inverse of the initial permutation (IP). The output of IP−1 is the 64-bit ciphertext.
Table 2.1: Permutation tables used in DES. |